Aug 19, 2008

Fun times with Nate and Lily.....

Friday night Beth and I took the kids to this awesome place here in town. The whole thing is geared to pre-schoolers and activities for them.
Nathan totally got into painting and drawing on his face.
Beth decorated Lily's!
Can't you just see how much fun this was to a 2 year old?

Now dream for yourself....
why can't we just be happy with
whether we're perfect or not,
whether we have stuff
all over our faces,
or whatever...

Wouldn't we all just be happier if
we enjoyed our lives
and accepted who we are?
Little kids just don't care what
anyone thinks...they just
smile and walk around
in front of the world...
with their own art on their faces.
Now that's confidence!

1 comment:

Tera said...

Cute kids!

I'm still waiting for updated pictures of your basement...

love ya!