Dec 18, 2008

A walk down memory lane.....

Every year as I open boxes filled with Christmas ornaments
and put them on the tree,
a rush of happy memories fill my heart.
One year while living in Provo I picked up a
teddy bear ornament for each of my children
and put their names on it.
They were so proud of each of their bears!
My first Christmas after being single, a co-worker,
Kari, had this ornament made for me.
She loved me and my family and wanted to
make sure we knew our family mattered!
What would Christmas be without an ornament made
in Kindergarden.
Macaroni letters included...but now missing an "A"!
My friend Karyn and I both had daughters
within two weeks of each other.
Both were named Ashley!
Karyn and I were together all the time.
Hours were spent sewing, cooking and talking.
Karyn decided our little girls must have
been friends before birth.
One year she gave us these angels to represent our girls
Who we affectionately called "Angel Buddies."
My dear friends Sharon and Arlene taught pre-school
and both CJ and Ashley were their students.
Baby Jesus sleeping in a walnut shell half was made
by Ashley during this time
and has hung on our tree for 22 Christmases!

Sharon gave me this Mr & Mrs Claus.
I still have the little box they came in and the sweet
note reminding me that every year I would think of her.
Isn't is wonderful and amazing how such little,
simple items remind us of people who touched our
lives long ago, but yet those sweet memories
live on, especially at Christmas!
My little heart is very grateful!

Another purse is born...and it's cute!!!

Jeanette wanted a purse for her mom....
so together we picked out colors she would like
and this is the result...

Jeanette requested a zipper closure...and I think I like it!

My favorite Italian caring the cute purse!
He really looks like he is enjoying it...
Doesn't he!!!

Dec 17, 2008

Real Happiness.....

Nothing could make a mom more happy than
to know your child has found the love of his life.
Only a few weeks left before their wedding!

What is this world coming to?......

Most people love getting gifts for Christmas!
Not me...I'm weird...I love getting
Christmas Cards...
And the ones that contain cheesey family letters
and pictures are my most FAVORITE!!
Oh, and I'm guilty of sending those too!
But this year...only a handful of cards
have appeared in my mailbox!
What's up with that?!?
Is the world changing...?
I guess I'm at fault too...and haven't sent a single card!
How sad!
Maybe everyone will get a
"Happy New Year/We're still alive" letter in January!
But just in case....
Merry Christmas to everyone!

If I have to deal with winter...I can at least imagine....

Winter is soooo boring...and cold....and frankly I don't like it.
I prefer bright, cute..and fun!
I just had to post these pictures of things I want to sew
once the holidays are over and my time is freer!
These outfits just make me smile
and sometime before Spring...there will be
little girls that I know wearing these!

Nov 6, 2008


I spent the Saturday before the election going door-to-door for McCain and Palin. Most people weren't home and the few I spoke with committed themselves to voting Republican. I felt some sense of relief that I was doing my know...not sitting back...I wasn't going to be one of those, who 'after' the votes were tallied, complained about the final results. At the same time, while walking down a street, I decided that the stress of wondering who would win and listening/watching the reports would put me over the edge...really...I get that involved! So, in a self-preserving effort, I decided that come November 4th I would not come into contact with 'that' information...I would not listened to talk radio, the news, or even talk about the election. I also decided that fasting that day would be a good thing!

Monday night I began my fast and went to bed. I slept great. Next Good Morning America (I know..they're libs...but I watch anyway), no talk radio on my drive to work, instead, I actually listened to music and Conference talks. I voted, then went about my work...there was a prayer in my heart as I went about work that day!

As the day wound down I started to really feel a sense of peace coming over me. I thought about all that was going on in this great country...the lines of voters, the opinions, the contention, the reasons for why individuals were voting one way or the other and found myself so grateful that I had separated myself as much as I could from it all. In a quiet moment it occurred to me that, as much as everyone has done to elect their candidate, as much as we trust and believe in that 'someone' , that we (I) was really forgetting who is actually in control. I realized how easy it is to put our trust in the 'arm of flesh' instead of the Lord. With this thought came such incredible comfort!

So where am I at now?...well....we all know that there are things that are going to happen in this world that we have no control over. There are certain things (stuff we really don't want) that must and will happen before our Savior comes again...and there isn't anything we can do about it! Let me share this quote from Elder L. Tom Perry from last General Conference;

"There are cycles of good and bad times, ups and downs, periods of joy and sadness....When our lives turn in an unanticipated and undesireable direction, sometimes we experience stress and anxiety. One of the challenges of this mortal experience is to not allow the stresses and strains of life to get the better of us - to endure the varied seasons of life while remaining positive, even optimistic. Perhaps when difficulties and challenges strike, we should have these hopeful words of Robert Browning etched in our minds: "The best is yet to be." We can't predict all the struggles and storms in life, not even the ones just around the next corner, but as persons of faith and hope, we know beyond the shadow of any doubt that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true and the best is yet to come."

No, I'm not happy with the choice for president. Yes, I am very concerned that he and his associates will take this country down a path that isn't good. Yes, I think there are certain things we are going to loose, but...I do believe 'the best is yet to be!' I know I can look within myself and become a better person. I can do more to affect my surroundings. I can be better at 'standing for truth and righteousness.' I can do more to uplift and guide those around me. I can do more to be a light on the hill. In fact, we can all do more and can all be better and this will bring about CHANGE...yes...indeed...positive change. As the gap between good and evil increases it will require those of faith to stand firm, to remain faithful and fight the good fight. Yes, change is here and we get to decide what it will bring to our own lives....and four years...we get another chance!!!!

Oct 22, 2008

My first little creation....

I bought this fabric several weeks ago on
an Overland Park field trip with my friend Kara.
However, it wasn't until last Thursday that
I found time to sit down and sew it up!
I am so pleased with how it turned out and
actually gave it to Kara as a token of my appreciation
for introducing me to a darling quilt store..
Harper's Fabrics!
I just can't wait to make more....maybe this weekend.
I truly love sewing, fabric and all that goes with it!

Out of the mouth of babes.....

As most of you know I am hooked on talk radio. I spend 40 hours a week in the car and drive over 600 miles during that same time. Music bores me and my brain needs something to think about! So who do I listen to?....Dr Laura and Dave Ramsey (they are just good common sense) and then to keep my political interests sharp I frequent Laura Ingrahm, Bill O'Reily, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and if I'm still out later in the day...even a little Michael Savage! These guys...oops..forgot Laura ...keep me up on the "right" and the "left" of things! Even with their conservative voices it can still get guy says 'this' another says 'that'... and then all the pointing of's really complex.

The other night I had a little friend over for a sleep over. Carrigan (3 1/2 going on 18) was staying with me while her mom and dad headed for the hospital for the birth of their new baby ( Addison is here.... and baby are doing great). It was late evening and Carrigan was showing no signs of falling asleep so I decided to try the method that usually puts me to sleep...that is...watching the 10pm news! I turned on the tv and we climbed into my bed. I was casually watching the program, but not with any particular interest, when I felt a tapping on my arm. I turned to Carrigan only to see her pointing at the tv and saying "I don't like Obama!" I've seen too much on the campaingn to really notice, but she was paying attention! I asked her why she didn't like him and she replied..."because he's 'lame.'" I laughed and then before I could say anything she was pointing again, this time as the story had changed to John McCain. She quickly said.."I like John McCain." Of course I couldn't resist asking why...she got excited and said..."because he's for America!"

So there you have it...we can listen to the professional talkers all day and in a matter of minutes a little girl can sum up the whole race and tell you who and why to vote! I just wonder why a little child can see clearly and there are adults who just don't get it!

Oct 7, 2008

"Good job, NayNay......"

Once a week Nathan and Lily come to my house for a few hours while their dad is at church and their mom teaches guitar lessons. Tonight I decided we would make cupcakes. Nathan was so excited because his job was to put sprinkles on top of the freshly frosted cupcake. He started out carefully pinching a few sprinkles between his little fingers and placing them on the cupcake. With each addition of colorful little charms he would announce "Good job, NayNay!!" (He calls himself that.) He was so proud of his efforts. Well,... a 2 year old can only do this teadious work for so long before the desire to "eat" overtakes the desire to "decorate." As you can see he only did half of them and then went onto the eating phase of the activity! I think he ate at least 3 or 4 within a few minutes. Poor Lily was watching from the sidelines, but she too ate her share of the sweet treats! My final comment, "Good job, NayNay!!!"

Oct 5, 2008

A 'Yankee" heads to the South......

Yes, I'm the 'Yankee' who got to spend a little time
in beautiful Beaufort, South Carolina!
My parent had gone to Charleston for my dad's
Korean War reunion.
To make their trip easier I flew down to help them
drive home...(they won't fly).
Lucky for me my dear friend Maldia lives just
about an hour from Charleston.
She picked me up from the Savanah airport
and we were able to spend about a day and half
together. During that time we toured
Beaufort...I totally love the Civil War era homes,
the Live Oak trees draped in Spanish moss,
the water front and of course my time
with Maldia.
We hadn't seen each other since she moved
away 6 years ago! I can't wait to go back
next Spring!
And you know what....I think I could easily
become a Southern gal....

Not losing a Son, but gaining a Daughter....

This past week Adam and Laura became officially engaged.
Yeah!...they are so perfect for each other
and I can hardly wait to add Laura as my daughter.
I kept telling Adam that if he didn't marry her
I was going to adopt weird
would that be for Adam to have her at Thankgiving
dinner with her husband and children....
I don't think he liked that idea!
Anyway, they are planning a winter wedding
in the St Louis Temple!

And gaining a Grandson....Logan....

This precious little face belongs to Logan,
Laura's 19 month old son!
While Adam and Laura were out on their
important date this past week,
I was with Logan.
When I put him to bed that night
I told him that I would get to be his MeeMaw and that
while he was sleeping 'his' parents were getting engaged.
He just smiled!
I think he's been hoping that this big event would happen too!
Yeah for families!

Getting acquainted with sewing.....finally....

After hanging onto this fabric for (I hate to admit) 20+ years I finally got around to sewing it up! Nathan will be getting some new play shirts! It's hard to believe I bought all of this for CJ and Adam when they were little and now CJ's son will be wearing it! It felt so good to sit and just sew! No interuptions! I think I am getting back into the swing of things now! It feels so good, but now I've got a mess of thread, scraps of fabric, etc to clean up! Someone once told me "You can be neat and you can be creative, but you can't be neat and creative at the same time!" How true!

Sep 3, 2008

The RNC was rockin.....

Tonight was amazing and inspiring....
This needs to be the winning ticket in November
and we all need to do our part to make sure it happens!
God bless America!!!
Please join me in voting for them.

Getting in touch with the REAL me.....

I must be going through a mid-life crisis...bored with work and routine.....
While browsing through websites and blogs
I've gotten hooked on "CUTE" and "FUN"..... And I want more of it in my life!!!!
I had never heard of Amy Butler or Heather Bailey....
these women design fabric and patterns....
"Be still my heart....."

Everything these women do is fun, cheerful, colorful,
happy....and basically just "fluff"...
things that no one really needs...
but wants...

I just want to shop and fill my sewing room with new fabric....

and then SEW, SEW, SEW...

I'm ready for some bright newness!

Sep 1, 2008

A little story about a princess......

Once upon a time, not so long ago, a beautiful princess
named Courtney lived with her mom.
The princess grew up and decided to make her own way in
the world...and moved away.
Everything was great, the princess loved her new life
and the mom was happy for her.
But, the time comes when the princess needs to come visit
the MOM....Court...this is a huge hint!!

Home Sweet Home.....

Per the request of my dear friend, Sharon,
I've put outside pictures on my blog.
When I look at my brick walkways and landscape
I think of Tera and Erick and all the time
that was spent planning and then watching as
it all came together.
When I see my fencing...aww...I think of Nate and
all of his effort and his patience while I tried
to explain exactly what I wanted...he just
listened and then went to work!
As the summer comes to a close and the landscaping
is dying off I just think back to Spring when the daylilies, hostas
and other plants burst into was
so beautiful this year. I just wish we could
jump from Fall to Spring...and completely
skip Winter...ugh!!

Aug 31, 2008

The Living Room.....

What is a home? It is a place of refuge from the world,
a place to enjoy family and friends, a place to
build memories!
This is my home.
It has been a labor of love to create my home!
Some of the pictures may seem pretty stark....
I still haven't hung art work in most of the rooms
and other rooms are still waiting for window treatments,
but in good time it will all come together....
I'll be patient!

The Dining Room.....

I love my dining room....and I love having everyone
around the table
for dinner and conversation!