Jan 26, 2012

June 2011: Des Moines and cute faces....

Our time in Kansas City afforded us a two-day trip to Des Moines. Karl and Jessica are living there while Karl is in medical school. We had a great time especially being able to see how much the girls have grown and changed since seeing them in early November. We spent time playing with the girls, had a great Mexican dinner in downtown Des Moines and spent the next day playing darts (that was fun) and went for a long walk and played in the park. We are so lucky we had the time to do this.
This is Camille.
This is Shaylee.
We were entertained by dancing and various gymnatics!
There was time for book reading with their papa!

This is Adalyn. She was just three months old the last time we saw her, now she is a little girl. A few months really makes a big differnece.
Karl and Jessica!

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