I have to explain something....I'm not from Arizona and I don't speak Spanish. Here's a question: when you see the word "Gila" what does your brain think? Does it say, "oh, that says Hee-la!" or does it say "Gill-A?" Well, until I got educated, my brain said "Gill-A." (Sorry...G doesn't make an H sound where I'm from.) Now for the real story... We took a little overnight trip to The Gila Valley Temple. This is just about a 3 hour drive for us. The Gila Valley is beautiful and filled with agriculture. Have you heard of Pima cotton?...well they grow a lot of cotton in these parts. Below is a view of the temple from a cotton field. This valley is also where President Spencer W. Kimball grew up and established his career before being called as an Apostle. This little temple is absolutely lovely and we really enjoyed our time there.

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